They finally uploaded. Plus, when looking at Isabel standing next to the white table by the sliding door, look at them in reverse. The first picture is the last one where she is sitting back down after having stood up holding onto the chair and then reached over to hold onto the door before sitting down again.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Additional pics from previous post
For some reason it would not let me add the rest of the pics I had wanted to enclose (Thaniel's B-day pics, etc...) in the other post, and now still will not let me open the add image link to add them now. Will try tomorrow...! Goodnight!
Well on her way to runnin'...
I am 100%, unequivically, without a doubt, in love with my daughter... she just ceases to amaze me. She is just progressing from crawling to pulling up and standing in lightning speed. Next comes standing on her own without holding onto anything, then comes walking (which she loves to do with mommy's help, and with taking BIG steps) She started out with a lot of rolling and pulling herself around in the beginning. She got from one side of the room to the other that way, but once she got the whole crawling thing on her hand and knees down, she's been flying around ever since, and doesn't want to be contained in her jumper or pack n' play now that she knows she can get anywhere she wants... and fast! She's let go a couple of times and balanced for a good 15 seconds or so before landing on her tush. She must have buns of steel, because every time she lands hard when leaning back from standing to sitting, she never makes a peep, and it sure sounds like it would hurt and that her butt would be sore.
She's a good girl. Loves her food too. She'll eat everything and anything. Now she is eating cheerios and tiny pieces of bread and mommy's supper in addition to her baby food and breastfeeding. She's an eating machine. Don't eat in front of her if you don't plan on sharing! She wants anything you have.
I am in love with all my kids- just tonight I was watching all of them interact while we were all playing old maid, crazy eight's, and then Nickolodeon DVD trivia game tonight. Had a bit of family fun, and it was nice to see everyone smiling, laughing, enjoying themselves... and most of all, getting along! Thaniel and Abby have their moments- they are at a rough age difference right now. Abby drives Thaniel nuts, and Abby loves to terrorize him! But on nights like tonight, while we were all sitting around the kitchen table (Izzy on my lap trying to eat my cards of course! She wanted a piece of the action too!) it is wonderful to just look at them all and realize their mine, all mine, and I love them and just want them to be happy and get along and love one another, and grow up to be close and be supportive of one another. It may seem like a tall order some days, but I know deep down there's hope that things will get better between them as they get a little older (when Thaniel gets through this whole 'puberty thing' (lol), and Abby outgrows her sassy, little sister attitude). I'm proud of and amazed by all my children.
Thaniel is loving his hockey, and Abby will start competing in a few short weeks with her gymnastics team. We will keep everyone posted on local meets and games that anyone might want to come see them both play and compete in.
I am including pics of my sleeping beauty Isabel, and some of her in action, and some pics from a recent Christmas party for employee's kids at Kendel's work. Also Abby trying out her new sledding tube. Look at how different Thaniel looks with his hair cut since we celebrated his birthday on Oct. 12th by ourselves, then celebrated his and Opa Ken's birthdays together on November 18th. Oma and Opa came to see Thaniel play hockey at a home game here in West Bend, then Chris and Wendy and the kids came out a little later to join us all for dinner and cake here at the house after the game.
Getting ready for the holiday parties we will be hosting. Gravelle family Christmas on the 20th, and then the Falk/Sander Christmas on the 25th. Lots of baking, cooking, wrapping, and decorating to do yet. Trying to space out getting things done over the next 2 weeks so it won't be too crazy the few days leading up to the parties.
Hope everyone is well, and sending out wishes to everyone for happy holidays and hope everyone will be spending it with loved ones and realizing how special those people are to them and how much they mean to them.
Please wish my friend Angie and her husband Matt a happy and joyous first christmas with their new little christmas elf Madelyn Grace Dimino. She will be almost 2 months old. She is their first little bundle of joy, and they are experiencing many firsts as parents with her. Merry Christmas to you all!
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