Isabel hanging out with the dogs on movie night with the family.

Isabel comparing tootsie toes with Newton! Too cute!

Still playing with Newton's tootsies!

Her new favorite seat in the house- the step stool. She is so cute when she sits on it- she swings her feet back and forth and gets really excited!

Isabel sitting on the stool again- she escaped me when I had just taken her pj's off to put her clothes on! Dressing and changing her diapers have turned into wrestling matches around here!

Had to include cute food face! She is having fun learning to feed herself!

Licking her fingers clean!

Daddy and Newton having snuggle time.

Just a cute face! Happily crawling and playing around!

Tired, messy food face!

Practicing waving goodbye. Almost has it down!

Playing footsie with Newton again!
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